Sunday, June 23, 2013

Big Changes

Well big news for our little family:
We're moving!  
We have a lot of work ahead of us moving to our new home and preparing our current home to be rented out.
I'll try to stop by here when I have a chance but in the meantime, please pray for us during the chaos of renovating, packing, and finding a responsible renter.
God bless y'all.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Soaking It All In

Maintaining a home, food schedules,  nap routines, play dates, potty breaks, cake orders, and more can all turn into a day to day battle to stay on top of it all.  I'm not sure if it's a second time Mommy thing or an "older is wiser" phenomena but I've found that I'm able to now, more than ever, just sit, relax, and soak in these moments that I know are only here for a short while.

Photography by the wonderful Jessica Faith Photogaphy.  You can find her blog here.

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