My care is about the same, going less frequently for IV fluids is causing my blood pressure to dip quite a bit. I normally carry very low blood pressure even while not pregnant but lately it's been hovering around 70/45. Not much can be done about this, it's certainly a better problem to have than high blood pressure so I'm not complaining. I've upped the sodium in my diet and I'm trying to stay fairly active for as long as my hips permit. Aside from the "floating" spots occasionally in my vision, the biggest hurdle has been fighting the energy slumps it can cause. I have a midwife appointment this Friday and I have a feeling coming back in for more frequent IV therapy may be brought up in order to counter the low blood pressure symptoms, so we'll see. Otherwise, I'm carrying the same as I did with Isabelle, basketball style which later turns into beach ball style! My belly button is barely there. When I was pregnant with Isabelle I had a co worker who called it my "headlight" so once it finally pops it's pretty apparent to everyone. This pregnancy is varying from Isabelle's in that Fiona is head up still so a lot of her big movements are very low and sometimes can't be felt on the outside because they are happening in my pelvis.
My other growing
Daddy has been working so hard on the house trying to finish up some projects before our "true" winter hits and Fiona arrives. The downstairs is almost done and looks like it belongs to a completely different house. The girl's bedrooms are also getting makeovers and the goal this weekend is to make a dent there. My next post will probably be the grand update on all of these household changes. Stay tuned.